Crave Rave : Shakey’s Half and Half

When it comes to fast and on-the-go pizza, Shakey’s would have to be my ultimate favorite.  I like it especially THIN and crispy so I get to savor every bit of each toppings and I don’ t get full that quick.  We’ve been dining in Shakey’s for ages and I feel kinda lame that I just found out about the Half and Half pizza just recently.  We always come across the dilemma of picking the pizza flavor even though we only have either Manager’s Choice or Pizza Bianca.  I’m so glad that they thought of doing Half and Half and that we don’t have to choose anymore because we can have both!

Now, does that look delicious or what?  Pizza Bianca (creamy white sauce pizza) on top, Manager’s Choice (Shakey’s #1 Flavor) in the bottom.  I’m lovin’ their pizza plate too (cute)!  This one is in Large size selling at P313.oo because it’s thin crust.  For the two flavors that you picked, they will take the price of the more expensive one.  Lucky us, both flavors have the same price. 🙂

You may check Shakey’s Website for their complete menu, branches, and delivery.  There are lots of Shakey’s all over the Metro so you sure won’t miss it!

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